Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20 Blog Post Ready Player One

The most important line from the 19th chapter of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One is, "No one ever gets what they want in the world and that is beautiful."  This is the most important line because it is the passcode to Wade Watts' OASIS account.  The OASIS is a virtual reality system that the entirety of the human race spends almost all of their time on.  The OASIS acts as an escape for its users from the horrific world that is around them.  This shows that Wade feels very depressed and lonely because even though he is a superstar in the OASIS realm, he is completely alone in the real world.


  1. I haven't heard of this book before. It sounds very much like Fahrenheit 451. People are just avoiding reality because a surreal version of life is easier to deal with.

  2. This book seems like it has a very interesting topic and i think i would like to read it.
